“There is nothing wrong with you.

What happened to you was wrong.”

My approach

I am passionate about helping and guiding others to step into the most authentic version of themselves and finally realising they can have the life, the peace, the success, the happiness, the relationships they have always dreamt of.

I found in my practise so many clients feel defeated because they don’t know the why - why am I like this? Have you ever pulled up a weed just to find it has regrown again? This is why unlike other therapists, I combine a number of different therapy modalities, coaching approaches and intuitive guidance to get to the root cause and not simply address the symptoms.

My approach is suited to those who are courageous about changing their life, because we will go deep. No quick fixes here.

The framework of my therapy system is based on combining traditional therapy methods (looking at client’s past to understand their present) with coaching methods (looking at the current problematic behaviours to modify them) with alternative modality systems (EFT, Somatics, Forensic Healing, Energy Medicine, Psych-K, Reconnective Healing, Breathwork, Meditation, Biofeedback methods), working on body-mind-emotion-spirit connection.

As a Trauma Informed Coach I practice the understanding of the presence of past trauma in a client’s present-day experience. I anchor my work in the present, not the past. I focus on the client’s current life and how trauma is affecting them today. My aim is to utilize coaching strategies to help the client build up their strengths, healthy beliefs, and positive coping strategies rather than just extinguishing “negative” behaviours and beliefs. This is why I use the bottom-up approach in my sessions.

The bottom-up approach to therapy refers to the type of therapy that starts its work with the ‘base’ of the brain. This refers to the part of the brain that is responsible for automatic reflexes and survival (like your fight/flight/freeze response).

The strength of bottom-up therapies is that clients learn to deal with previously unmanageable, uncomfortable feelings without becoming overwhelmed. They acquire skills to tolerate and respond to them without wanting to block or numb the discomfort. The increased awareness of their range of responses can also help clients better understand what their particular triggers are. Then successfully navigate on their journey towards resolving those triggers and live a fulfilling life.

Healing does not mean you will no longer have challenges or problems. What is means is that you will gain resiliency to face whatever comes your way and with your new perspective, empowered mindset, you will remain solution-focused and know that a setback is a setup for greater things to come.

I am passionate about empowering clients and giving them everyday tools to help them create a life that they love. You will no longer be a victim of your set of circumstances.

Look forward to meeting you.

Anne-Marie xoxo

*Not sure, book a mini coaching session if you want to” test the waters”.

My credentials

I bring over 20 years experience in corporate middle management, staff development, coaching, psychology and alternative healing modalities.

I hold a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology, a diploma in Forensic Healing (an award-winning healing modality), trained as an Intuitive Body Specialist, certification in Beliefs Systems Clearing (from Dr. Joe Vitale), a facilitator of the Psych-K method (widely endorsed by Dr Bruce Lipton) a certificate for Reconnective Healing (from Dr. Eric Pearl), a certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, a certificate in corporate coaching.

My most recent studies have been in the field of trauma-informed coaching, gaining certification as a Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coaching.

Most of all I bring to the table my wealth and depth of life experiences. There is a saying “people can only meet you as deeply as they have met themselves”. My work is very deep as I have had to overcome incredible hardships and challenges in my life. I have been desolate, desperate, helpless, hopeless, lost, confused, traumatised, sexually abused, poor, neglected, failed, anxious, depressed, faced money trauma, faced housing trauma, in narcissistic relationships, burnt out.

In October 2022 I was diagnosed having a golf ball sized brain tumour in my frontal cortex. The neurological symptoms I experienced before and leading up to my surgery was horrific. Partnered with that was the emotional and spiritual turmoil that followed a near death experience. I lost my home, my livelihood, became dependent on family. In spite of this all, I have emerged more grounded, confident, peaceful and in the beginnings of rebuilding an awesome life filled with the richness of my experiences. When I say I can journey with you, I really mean it, because I have been to depths a few have been.

So, I have been through the dark night of the soul many times and in spite of it all, I have surface a much more confident person. I will teach the tools I have used and guide you through beautiful processes to making releasing, letting and healing so much easier.

For women going through perimenopause, you are not alone. I am going through this challenging yet so empowering journey myself, and even though I don’t have all the answers I very well know what it takes to navigate this phase in life when it feels your body has deserted you, your mind is in overdrive and your emotions are highly charged. Lets not even talk about the weight gain, no sleep, anger, brain fog, overwhelm. We got this!

You deserve to emerge stronger, empowered, with clarity and direction, clear strategies and most importantly experience a connectedness to yourself like never before!

I hope to hear from you real soon.


Client Reviews

You are worthy. Start, today.