“You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that....”

I have been where you are.

That deep desire for things to be different, for things to work out, to end the continuous cycle of struggle, having to make things work, trying to control the outcome, feeling like an imposter, not feeling good enough, hoping things will be different this time around. Why aren't things changing?

And to top it all off, I always felt like something was missing in my life because I was disconnected from my true path and purpose.

And you know what?

I stepped into my purpose as a therapist, coach and intuitive healer.

The more I did the inner-work, facing my shadows, doing embodied processing, my perspective, thoughts, beliefs started to shift, the more life started to flow, the more confident and self assured I became and finally I could feel life was for me and not against me. What you seek will not come from looking outside of yourself. It will come from changing from within.

This is how I can help you…

Mini Coaching Session

Is life feeling like a pressure cooker? Need help with a specific problem?

Sometimes life can be a pressure cooker, leaving you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, confused and full of uncertainty. You keep second guessing your choices and decisions. In this “fight and flight” place, when there is chaos and you are emotionally charged, it is difficult to make decisions.

Being listened to, having your ideas heard and reflected back can help you turn down the volume. From this calm space, you can gain insight and re-approach life with new eyes and a renewed sense of optimism. From here is where you will be able to access the strength and capacity you need to move forward.

What this session is designed for:

·       Untangling a mess

·       Sort through a problem

·       Needing to make a decision

·       Create a strategy

These are coaching “bursts” are designed to help you when you find yourself in a little “emergency”.

It is a great way to get to know my coaching style if you wanted to work with me long term.

Why do I qualify?

As an intuitive with a background in clinical psychology, decades in corporate management, a trauma informed coach, trained in numerous energy medicine modalities and a love of personal development and growth, I am able to hone in and shed light in areas others will take months or years to identify causing the block.

The change

I can assure you that you will see your situation from a completely new perspective, and you will have a strategy in hand and tools to move forward with confidence.


Available when you click on Book Here

Delivery: In Person or via Zoom

Holistic Therapy - The 4 Levels

Finding yourself taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. Doing the work, but not seeing the results?

Having trouble with any of these?

Depression and anxiety - People pleasing - The need to overachieve Unhealthy coping mechanisms - Relationship issues - Low self esteem and guilt - Self sabotage - Emotional numbness - Co-dependency Overwhelmed - Difficulty making decisions - Feeling stuck Procrastinating - Weight Issues

What makes me get results and see transformations?

First and foremost my approach is trauma-informed which means I take into account how your challenging childhood is still playing out today. I create a safe and scared space for you to “unpack” and slowly begin the process of undoing, learning new patterns and behaviours, choosing empowered thinking and taking responsibility.

Secondly I take a bottom up approach which means we will be working with regulating your nervous system before you start processing those charged emotions. I am a great believer in feeling is healing and will show you techniques to process and release.

Finally using a 4 body approach (body, mind, emotions, spirit) to deal with your challenges you will begin the shedding of layers, the healing of pain, making peace with all the parts of you to truly explore and uncover who you are.

Why do I qualify?

As an intuitive with a background in clinical psychology, decades in corporate management, a trauma informed coach, trained in numerous energy medicine modalities and a love of personal development and growth, I am able to hone in and shed light in areas others will take months or years to identify causing the block.

The change

Imagine experiencing life in a state of ease and flow, and strong inner knowing you will always be ok in spite of the chaos around you.


Available when you click on Book Here - Various Payment Options Available

Delivery: In Person or via Zoom

Manifestation Coaching - 12 week journey

A word of warning - this is not a fluffy, feel-good coaching program. It is steeped in methods to help you understand your blocks to manifesting and give you powerful tools to design and create your amazing life!

What makes this program stand out from the rest?

We take a trauma-informed approach to you manifesting. Did you know your nervous system dysregulation stands between you are your dreams? Do you know if your intentions are soul-aligned?

I will help you answer these questions:

Why have I not manifested? Why am I disappointed when I get what I want? Why is it taking so long? Why is manifesting not working for me?

One of the most common questions people ask about not being able to manifest is why their desires aren't coming to fruition despite their efforts. It can be frustrating and discouraging when we feel like we've done everything right but still haven't seen any tangible results. Many wonder if they are doing something wrong or if there's some hidden secret to successful manifestation. Others question whether manifesting is even possible for them, harbouring doubts and scepticism. Understanding the reasons behind the blockages in manifestation can be complex and unique to each individual. It is crucial to explore underlying beliefs, past conditioning, and subconscious resistance to truly identify and address the barriers hindering manifestation. With self-reflection, patience, and support, it is possible to unravel the mysteries and unleash the power of manifestation in one's life.

What are you wanting to call into your life? What is your dream life like?

Is there something specific you want to bring into your life? Call in a life partner? Manifest more money? Attract supportive friendships? Level-up in your health and wellbeing? Deepen your spiritual connection? Start a home business?

The method I use is designed to help:

  • you identify inner blocks and clear them

  • notice and deal with resistances

  • uncover the limiting beliefs

  • help reprogram your mind for success

  • help heal and resolve your painful past experiences that stop you from manifesting

  • guide you through regaining a regulated nervous system, without this you will not be able to manifest or “hold” the manifestation.

    Why do I qualify?

    As an intuitive with a background in clinical psychology, decades in corporate management, a trauma informed coach, trained in numerous energy medicine modalities and a love of personal development and growth, I am able to hone in and shed light in areas others will take months or years to identify causing the block.

What will you get out of it?

  • I will help you get clarity on your soul desires and purpose (not trauma-response/ego desires)

  • I will help you safely and somatically work through any blocks to taking action or allowing manifestations to come into reality

  • I will teach you about the law of assumption and how and why vision boarding works

  • I will help you set a powerful intention and goal and check the information in the Akashic records for the best possible outcome

  • I will help you re-member that you are a powerful co-creator through support and encouragement

What is included?

  • 6 x 1 hour Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions including:

  • Channelled and intuitive guidance to help you move through your specific manifesting blocks

  • Sharing with you the missing pieces and why affirmations don’t work

  • Identify childhood wounds/trauma impede your ability to manifest

  • Teaching you advanced manifestation techniques: Scripting, Alignment Numbers, Future Self and more

  • Teaching you about the psychology of vision boarding and the impact of the vision board on your nervous system

  • Audio meditation to meet your future self and more

Imagine waking up each morning with a newfound sense of passion and excitement for life?

The Investment

Available when you click on Book Here - Various Payment Options Available

Delivery: In Person or via Zoom

Soul Based Therapy

Feeling disconnected? Have you ever felt like something was just... off? Like there was a piece of you missing?

This session will benefit those who are purely focused on a spiritual and soul clearing modality. The sessions are there to help you become aware of external influences, own blocks and sabotages, soul contracts that may influence your current wellbeing.

Can help with:

·       Healing soul level and karmic wounds

·       Improving overall health

·       Improving relationships

·       Bringing hope back into life

·       Coping with difficult times

·       Releasing old patterns of thinking and behaviour

·       Connecting to your higher self

Why do I qualify?

I have immersed myself and studied and received certification in all things energy healing, energy medicine, energy psychology and spirituality. I proud myself being grounded in my approach and teach clients to unlock their power to heal themselves. I do not see myself as a healer, but rather as a conduit helping you to anchor in your own healing medicine and wisdom.

The change

You will feel a greater sense of peace and connectedness. You will begin to ignite your own inner healing power.

It is deep transformational work for those who are well on their spiritual path.

Please take note

I do not do predictions or mediumship work.


Available when you click on Book Here - Various Payment Options Available

Delivery: In Person or via Zoom